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Four Different Types of Nasal Surgeries

Do you wish to enhance the appearance of your nose? Did you know that there are several types of nose surgeries available other than cosmetic rhinoplasty? While that is certainly a popular choice for many individuals seeking an effective way to enhance their aesthetic appearance, there are other types of nose jobs, each with an intended outcome. Since everybody is unique, all surgeries in general are considered to be slightly different.

In this article, we have taken insights from Dr. Mrinalini Sharma, a renowned cosmetic surgeon who is the founder of Aestiva Clinic. To make this post enriching and factful for readers, we will explore what rhinoplasty is, the different kinds of nasal surgeries available, and what purposes they serve. Towards the end of this post, we will also discuss how much rhinoplasty cost in Delhi. Keep reading for more insights.

What is Rhinoplasty?

Rhinoplasty, or the traditional nose job, is one of the most popular plastic surgery procedures. According to the American Academy of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, almost half a million individuals undergo traditional rhinoplasty each year. Most frequently, a patient undergoes rhinoplasty to correct the nose's shape or proportions and bring it into alignment with the rest of his or her facial structure.

Additionally, by rebuilding the nasal passageways, it can be utilized to treat breathing problems, correct nasal abnormalities, and/or restore the appearance and functionality of the nose after an injury. It also corrects a number of other concerns, such as a nasal tip that is enlarged or hooked, nostril position and bridge width, and nostrils that are wide or large.

Who Should Consider Nasal Surgery?

If a person has one or more conditions from the following list, they should consider a nasal surgery:

  • Suffering from deformities present since birth or due to any injury

  • Difficulty breathing

  • Willing to modify the nose’s shape

  • Have continuous episodes of obstructive sleep apnea

If one is experiencing any of the following concerns, they must seek the help of an expert cosmetic surgeon right away. For this, one can schedule a consultation with Dr. Mrinalini Sharma, an expert cosmetic surgeon who performs the best cosmetic surgery in Delhi.

What are the Different Types of Nasal Surgeries?

Cosmetic rhinoplasty is defined as any kind of cosmetic surgery that is performed with the aim of enhancing or modifying an individual’s nose. However, there are several types of nasal surgeries available. Working with a plastic surgeon can help determine which type of surgery would work best depending on one’s unique anatomy and aesthetic goals. Let’s understand the different types of nasal surgeries as follows:

1. Reduction Rhinoplasty

Reduction rhinoplasty is a type of nasal surgery that reduces the nose’s size. When individuals opt for this type of surgery, they choose to reduce the overall size of the nose and concentrate on certain areas that need to become smaller, i.e., the hump, bump, or tip. During this procedure, the resizing is done by removing the cartilage and bone of the nose so that one can achieve the desired nose shape.

Reduction rhinoplasty begins with a consultation between the patient and the plastic surgeon. At this time, the patient can discuss what they would like to change with their nose. During the consultation, the surgeon will look into examining the nose, measuring the proportions of the facial features, and getting an idea of the exact changes one desires. These steps can allow the expert surgeon to plan the right approach that will solve their problems and achieve the results desired by the patient.

2. Augmentation Rhinoplasty

The surgeon uses bone or tissue grafting during this procedure to strengthen the nasal tip and/or bridge. Then they frequently make use of cartilage from different regions of the nose, most frequently the nasal septum. A rhinoplasty surgeon can augment the nose with a variety of materials if a patient does not have adequate tissue in this area. These include autologous implants (made from the patient's own tissue) and alloplasts (synthetic implants). Skin grafts may also be required in cases of significant collapse of the nose in order to strengthen the skin and reconstruct the nose.

3. Post-traumatic Rhinoplasty

The nasal structure is a delicate part of the human anatomy that is composed of small parts that are interconnected to create the nose’s shape. When a nose gets injured, there are disastrous things that affect the balanced structure of the nose, including damaged cartilage, internal deviations, and difficulty breathing. Bleeding also becomes a concern as blood clots appear around the nasal septum and block regular blood flow. This often damages the cartilage partition between the airways. The nose’s bridge may collapse as a result of this, leading to a saddle nose (a condition associated with nasal trauma). Post-traumatic rhinoplasty addresses these injuries, which lead to damaged airways. These injuries can often result from sports injuries, car accidents, and flights. 

4. Corrective Rhinoplasty

Corrective rhinoplasty is performed on those individuals who have previously undergone a rhinoplasty procedure but are dissatisfied with the results or might have experienced functional problems with their nose after the surgery. It could include augmentation or reduction rhinoplasty. The common problems that can be corrected with a corrective rhinoplasty include nasal airway obstruction, overdone nose job, worsened asymmetries, incomplete shaping, excessively narrowed nasal tip, thickened scar tissues, etc.

To learn more about these types of nasal surgeries, one can schedule a consultation with Dr. Mrinalini Sharma, a famous rhinoplasty surgeon, at Aestiva Clinic.

What is the Cost of Rhinoplasty Surgery?

There are multiple factors affecting the cost of rhinoplasty surgery. Some factors make a huge difference in the overall cost, while others have a minor impact. The key factors include the nature of the surgery, the expertise of the surgeon, the techniques used, prescribed medications, diagnostic tests, follow-up consultations, and many more.

Final Takeaway

The results of each kind of nose surgery will be different since every person’s body is unique. Therefore, before undergoing the surgery, one must discuss with their surgeon their realistic expectations for the procedure. Before the surgery, the patient must clear any doubts they have related to the procedure, including the cost.

If one wants to avail the benefits of rhinoplasty in Delhi or wants to know the exact cost of the procedure, one can schedule a consultation with Dr. Mrinalini Sharma, a popular cosmetic surgeon, at Aestiva Clinic. The expert surgeon will determine the patient’s overall health and find out if they are a suitable candidate for the procedure. 

For more details about rhinoplasty surgery, visit Aestiva Clinic today! 


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