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Tummy Tuck Surgery: What One Need To Know?

Abdominoplasty, also known as "tummy tuck," is a surgical procedure performed at Aestiva Clinic by Dr. Mrinalini Sharma, the Best Plastic Surgeon in Delhi, to remove excess fat from the belly and strengthen the abdominal wall musculature. The goal of this procedure is to create an attractive abdomen. Abdominoplasty strengthens the weakened muscles, reduces itching and skin infections, enhances bladder function, changes the form and tone of the abdomen to create a smoother profile, and eliminates irritation and skin infections. This treatment is not a replacement for weight loss. For those who have excess fat around their stomach and are unable to shed it through exercise to attain a toned and sculpted abdomen, then undergoing tummy tuck surgery can be life-changing.

Tummy Tuck Surgery


A traditional tummy tuck is intended to tighten the ab muscles, remove extra skin, and shape the lower abdomen. While it is a common technique, it is also more comprehensive, resulting in longer recovery times and greater discomfort than many other cosmetic surgery procedures. The procedure varies based on whether the person has diastasis recti, how severe it is, and how much additional fat and loose skin is present. Most women should wait 10 to 14 days before returning to normal activity.

Types of Tummy Tuck

A) Full stomach tuck: It is one of the most prevalent types of post-pregnancy belly tucks. During this treatment, a horizontal incision is made from one hip to the other, and fat is removed from the upper and lower abdomen. Repairing abdominal muscles that split during pregnancy may be part of a comprehensive tummy tuck.


B) Mini tummy tuck: This is a considerably smaller incision that confines the sagging skin to the area below the belly button, mostly targeting the lower abdomen.


C) Extended Tummy Tuck: This procedure removes fat from the lower and upper abdomen and the flanks. People who have a lot of sagging should go through this process.

How is Tummy Tuck Performed?

A horizontal incision is created between the pubic bone and the belly button during a standard or full abdominoplasty. Depending on the anatomy and needs of the person, this incision might range from a few inches to the whole length of the abdomen.


After that, the skin is pushed back, extra fat is removed, and the abs muscles are rebuilt (if necessary). Then the skin is pulled down, a new belly button is formed, and the extra skin is removed. As a result, the tummy is tight and flabby. The scar is low and can be concealed by underwear or bathing suits. The incision can be made in the same place for women who have had Caesarean sections, resulting in a single, low scar.


All these types of Tummy Tuck Surgery in Delhi are performed at Aestiva Clinic by Dr. Mrinalini Sharma. One can visit the clinic to get the benefits.

When should one schedule their Tummy Tuck?

When a woman has determined that a healthy lifestyle won't enhance her body contour, it's time to schedule their stomach tuck. She should wait at least six months after giving birth or six months after finishing breastfeeding. There are several reasons to wait six months, the first of which is that she will not be fully cured. As a result of carrying a kid to term, the deep tissues in her abdomen have been stretched and damaged. Most of the stretching will have healed after six months, and the pregnancy hormones that soften them will no longer be active. When this occurs, the ripped tissue will stick together better and recover more quickly following the treatment.

Another reason to wait until six months after childbirth is that new mothers must frequently lift their growing newborns. Frequent heavy lifting places extra strain on a healing belly tuck and can harm the outcome. Most women have figured out their routine by six months and can be much more efficient with lifting their children.

Finally, if she intends to breastfeed, it is preferable to wait six months after weaning her child. When breastfeeding, whatever is in her breast milk is transferred to her nursing child. Under normal conditions, this is safe, but the child is at risk when the mother is sedated.

Males can opt for tummy tuck surgery to tighten up the abdominal skin lost after bariatric surgery or rapid weight loss.

Precautions to take for a Tummy Tuck Surgery Before and After

Five things to do before undergoing an abdominoplasty (tummy tuck):

  • No smoking: As nicotine shrinks blood vessels, which are necessary for tissue repair, infection rates and wound healing are excessively high.

  • Child care provider: The individual will be on bed rest for two to three weeks following the operation and cannot lift anything, even a baby or child. If a woman decides to get a belly tuck after giving birth, she should have a child caretaker present.

  • Complete family: It is not unsafe to have a baby after a belly tuck, but it is recommended not to have babies after a tummy tuck for safety reasons.

  • Scarring: Although the scar from a mini-tummy tuck is less, it is still more noticeable than a caesarean scar.

  • Healthy living: A healthy diet and regular exercise will assist the child, and individuals maintain the stomach tuck following the procedure.

Advantages of Undergoing Tummy Tuck

Tummy tuck surgery has several advantages:

  • It is a less intrusive and safer technique for women and men who want to eliminate stubborn fat deposits and skin and achieve a toned abdomen.

  • Tummy tuck surgery gives permanent results. The treatment will provide drastic outcomes within one to three months.

  • This strategy allows the candidate to recuperate faster and more comfortably.

  • The amount of fat removed, the locations of the body treated, and the applicant's age all influence how long it takes to see results.

  • Fat cells that are eliminated during belly tuck surgery do not return. Women can enjoy their new tummy for as long as they want, but avoiding future weight changes, including those linked with pregnancy, is critical.

  • The abdominal muscles are tightened, and extra drooping skin is removed, resulting in a flatter and more toned stomach.

To get a toned abdominal shape, opt for abdominoplasty surgery at Aestiva Clinic, a cosmetic surgery clinic in Delhi.


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