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Important Things One Needs To Know About Vampire Facelift

The vampire facelift is a surgical technique that offers anti ageing benefits and lessens the look of premature signs of ageing on the face and/or neck. By shifting or removing skin, fat, and/or muscle. It is also known by the name rhytidectomy.

With a vampire facelift, the ageing symptoms listed below can be lessened:

  • The skin on the face is relaxed and dropping.

  • Between the corners of the lips and the nose, there are deep folds or creases.

  • Facial fat that has disappeared or shrunk.

  • Skin drooping on the jaw or the cheeks (known as jowls).

  • More neck fat and sagging skin that resembles a "double chin."

The best plastic surgeon in Delhi and the founder of Aestiva Clinic, Dr. Mrinalini Sharma, has provided some essential details concerning the vampire facelift procedure and its associated elements. To help individuals concerned about sagging or wrinkled skin comprehend the process better. Continue reading to learn more.

What is A Vampire Facelift?

A vampire facelift, also known as a platelet-rich plasma facelift, is a cosmetic procedure that may help combat the effects of ageing by using the patient's blood.

A similar procedure known as the vampire facial gained a lot of attention when Kim Kardashian shared a selfie of her face smeared in blood on Instagram in 2013. But how does it operate?

After taking blood from the arm, the doctor will use a centrifuge to separate the platelets from the rest of the blood (a machine that spins quickly to separate fluids of different densities). Along with platelet-rich plasma, a hyaluronic acid filler like Juvederm will be used (PRP).

A vampire facelift is safe for people of any age, although it's not advised if one has skin cancer, is on a blood thinner, or has any blood-related illnesses like HIV or Hepatitis C.

How Does it Work?

There isn't much data on vampire facelifts, but one study found that PRP injections significantly improved skin texture more than saline injections did.

  • What makes vampire facelifts work is the yellow plasma used in them. The plasma that is high in protein carries hormones, nutrients, and protein to other parts of the body.

  • Plasma also includes growth factors, which can boost cell renewal, collagen synthesis, and elastin production for firmer, more youthful-looking skin.

Process for Vampire Facelift

The steps for most vampire facelifts are as follows:

  • The doctor will first cleanse the skin. Additionally, they'll probably use a topical numbing cream.

  • Then, the doctor will take blood from the arm (as little as two tablespoons). Some surgeons could decide to start by injecting filler into the face's deep creases and wrinkles.

  • The blood will be spun in a centrifuge. PRP is separated from the rest of the blood in this way.

  • The PRP will be injected back into the face with a tiny needle.

What To Expect After A Vampire Facelift?

One may notice some redness on the face after a vampire facelift, but the procedure itself is noninvasive, and it should require minimum downtime.

Try to avoid touching the face in the hours after the procedure. If the doctor says it’s OK, one can use an ice pack or Tylenol to calm swelling and alleviate pain.

One will see immediate plumping results from the filler, and the glow and evenness from PRP will be visible after 2 to 3 weeks. Results aren’t permanent and typically last for one year and as long as 18 months.

Vampire Facial vs. Vampire Facelift

Given their similarities, vampire facelifts and vampire facials are frequently confused. Due to the filler's instant smoothing and plumping properties, one will immediately see results from a vampire facelift.

In contrast, vampire facials incorporate microneedling, which employs small needles to create practically imperceptible punctures in the skin. This is said to help PRP's effects penetrate the skin more deeply.

Anyone looking to tighten or shape drooping skin should consider a vampire facelift, while vampire facials can help smooth out the skin's texture or hide acne scars.

Target Regions

Vampire facelifts target the face mainly. However, PRP can also be used on other body areas. Research shows that PRP may repair tendons and other severe sports injuries, increase hair growth, and relieve osteoarthritis.

How Much Does It Cost?

The cost of a vampire facelift can vary depending on the type of procedure performed, patient concerns to be addressed, the technology used, the doctor’s experience, and the size of the skin part that needs treatment.

A vampire facelift is suitable if one wishes to get rid of sagging and wrinkled skin. One can obtain the best vampire facelift procedure by contacting Dr. Mrinalini Sharma at Aestiva Clinic. The qualified surgeon is a prominent plastic and reconstructive surgeon with more than 17 years of plastic and cosmetic surgery expertise.

With her knowledge in these areas, the doctor is particularly interested in assisting her patients to feel more confident and healthy. Visit the clinic immediately to learn about the vampire facelift cost in Delhi.


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