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Myths and Facts About Male Breast Reduction Surgery

Best Gynecomastia Surgeon in Delhi

Gynecomastia is a common cosmetic concern that mostly affects younger and older males wherein there is an undesirable enlargement of the breasts. There are many misconceptions associated with gynecomastia condition as well as its treatment. In this blog, some of the common myths of gynecomastia surgery are debunked by Dr. Mrinalini Sharma, Best Gynecomastia Surgeon in Delhi at Aestiva Clinic.

True gynecomastia is caused by excess glandular or breast tissues as a result of factors like hormonal imbalance (increase in estrogen levels and decline in testosterone), heredity, drug side effects, and sometimes an accumulation of stubborn fat deposits or excess skin in the chest area. It is definitely not a serious medical concern but a cosmetic issue that must be addressed at the right time with gynecomastia surgery otherwise it can lead to more psychological distress.  

Myth 1: Only overweight male patients experience gynecomastia.

Fact: There are some cases wherein male breasts become larger due to excessive fat deposits. This is not the only cause of concern. In fact, underweight individuals who are quite muscular also develop gynecomastia. This problem occurs when there is swelling of male glandular tissues or the development of excess breast tissues as a result of hormonal imbalance and not just little fat accumulation. 

Myth 2: Lifestyle choices have nothing to do with gynecomastia.

Fact: Gynecomastia may also be associated with excessive alcohol consumption, hyperthyroidism, hypogonadism, heredity, excess estrogen production, kidney/ liver disease, anabolic steroids, chemotherapy, heart disease medications, narcotics, amphetamines, low testosterone levels, or other health complications. Thus a person must not forget to follow healthy lifestyle choices to prevent gynecomastia from developing later in life.

Myth 3: With exercise and diet modifications, gynecomastia will subside.

Fact: Healthy diet and exercise can help an overweight person achieve an attractive chest to some extent. But, for people having true gynecomastia conditions, gynecomastia surgery is the only effective treatment. This is because surgery can excise the excess glandular or breast tissues and restore a normal male breast contour. 

For candidates with mild to moderate gynecomastia, involving breast enlargement with minimal gland hypertrophy and no excess skin, liposuction is the best choice to get rid of stubborn fat from the chest areas. 

Myth 4: Gynecomastia surgery can be performed anywhere because of advanced technology.

Fact: Gynecomastia surgery is done by plastic surgeons in their clinics or hospital. The experienced and expert hands of the surgeons can only treat gynecomastia conditions with the best possible results. 

Myth 5: Gynecomastia always returns.

Fact: Surgery ensures permanent results for gynecomastia conditions. It helps the person achieve a lifetime masculine flat chest. 

Myth 6: The costs of gynecomastia surgery are within reach.

Fact: Gynecomastia surgery does require more expenditure as compared to other treatments. The main problem is that it is not covered in an insurance claim, hence the patient may have to spend from his pocket. However, if a person looks at the benefits of gynecomastia surgery, he will be fully convinced to invest money for gaining a lot many additional perks. To know more Gynecomastia Treatment cost in Delhi one can schedule a consultation with the expert plastic surgeon in India at Aestiva Clinic.

Myth 7: It takes a long time to recover after gynecomastia surgery.

Fact: Most people have this myth in their mind that makes them avoid gynecomastia surgery. In reality, advanced technology and treatment options are available that allow speedy recovery of the patient so that they can resume their routine soon. After the gynecomastia surgery, the patient may keep a stretch of approximately about 4 to 6 weeks in mind for getting desired results. However, patients can return to their regular schedule in a few weeks after the surgery. 

Myth 8: Liposuction can be the only solution for gynecomastia conditions. 

Fact: Rarely, a surgeon finds the patient’s suffering from gynecomastia condition solely due to the accumulation of fatty tissues in the chest area. The primary cause of gynecomastia is excess breast or glandular tissues that can only be got rid of by excision. Liposuction only works when there is a requirement for the removal of surplus fatty tissues surrounding the chest. It can be done in conjunction with surgical excision to achieve better-desired breast contour and not as a stand-alone treatment for true gynecomastia. Gynecomastia surgery can correct the deformities of the breast, nipple, and areola. 

Myth 9: Gynecomastia surgery can be performed by any doctor.

Fact: Although many plastic surgeons offer gynecomastia surgery it is important to ensure that they hold knowledge, expertise, and experience in gynecomastia surgery. The expert and experienced plastic surgeons can understand the complexities of gynecomastia surgery, the types of gynecomastia, and choose the best techniques to perform gynecomastia surgery. Dr. Mrinalini Sharma, is an experienced gynecomastia surgeon in India and she has helped many males to achieve the desired masculine chest with gynecomastia surgery.

Myth 9: Gynecomastia can resolve without treatment.

Fact: This is a big misconception that has been formed due to the fact that teenaged boys who develop gynecomastia during puberty but their condition subsides within two years. However, long-lasting gynecomastia can’t go on its own. In rare cases, gynecomastia can be caused by an underlying health issue like pituitary gland disorder or a testicular failure whose treatment can resolve gynecomastia, otherwise, surgical intervention can only reduce the enlarged breasts. 

To get a masculine chest with gynecomastia surgery and to know more about gynecomastia surgery cost in Delhi/NCR, visit now at Aestiva Clinic, best plastic surgery clinic in India.


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