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Liposuction Treatment for a Contoured Look

liposuction treatment in Delhi

Liposuction also referred to as lipoplasty is a surgical option for body contouring wherein fat deposits are eliminated from the body using a suction technique. Across the globe, it continues to be one of the popular cosmetic procedures. This technique is performed on specific body parts on which a proper diet and daily exercise don’t make any difference. Get the liposuction treatment in Delhi at Aestiva Clinic, best plastic surgery clinic in India.

Recently, there is a hike in requests for high-definition liposuction techniques. This is because it is a more refined technique that offers next-level visual effects and long-lasting results. It provides the appearance of a well-toned body and a defined musculature. Liposuction can be carried on several body sites. In men, the most common body areas include chest, arms, and abs whereas women prefer losing fat from the inner thighs, hips, flanks, and belly, and back. People also go for liposuction of the neck, buttocks, and chin region.

Who is a suitable candidate for the liposuction technique?

  • A person with firm, elastic skin, and a good muscle tone.
  • An individual who has an ideal body weight.
  • A healthy person without an underlying medical condition could impair the healing of the body.
Drainage tubes are placed at the incision sites to pour out the excess blood or any body fluids.

People who are obese, have cellulite dimpling, skin irregularities, or stretch marks are not eligible for liposuction treatment. To know if you are an ideal candidate for this procedure, consult the best liposuction surgeon in Delhi at Aestiva Clinic.

How to prepare for surgery?

Before the surgery, the candidates discuss with the surgeon about their expectations from the surgery. The surgeon reviews their medical history, current health status, and also intake of any medications or supplements. It is recommended to stop the intake of NSAIDs or blood thinners at least three weeks prior to surgery. If the patient is a smoker, then quitting is advised some weeks before the procedure and even after it. People who are considering liposuction must undergo some blood tests and a thorough clinical examination to check for eligibility for the treatment. Pre-operative instructions include keeping the stomach and bladder empty for 8-10 hours before surgery.

The procedure:

Before starting the treatment, the person is given anesthesia and the type is chosen based on their condition. Markings are made on the treatment area and photos are taken to compare with the after-surgery images. For the tumescent liposuction technique (traditional method), the surgeon first injects a mixture of sterile saline solution which aids in dislodging of fat cells, anesthetic (lidocaine) for pain relief, and epinephrine (a drug to constrict blood vessels). This makes the treatment area swollen and stiff.

Next, small incisions are made through which a hollow cannula is inserted and moved in a back and forth motion. This helps in loosening excess fat deposits.

Then, the dislodged fat is removed from the body using vacuum suction or a syringe connected to one end of the cannula.

Lastly, the incisions are closed with sutures and covered with surgical dressings or bandages. If there is a significant loss of blood or fluids during the procedure, it must be replenished through an intravenous line.

Other types of liposuction:

Ultrasound-assisted liposuction: In this ultrasound energy is used to rupture the wall of fat cells and break down the fat. A new generation device of this type is VASER-assisted liposuction that can reduce the risk of skin injuries and improve skin contours.

Laser-assisted liposuction: It uses intensified laser light to emulsify the fat deposits and remove them using a cannula.

Power-assisted liposuction: It takes the help of a power-connected cannula to cause vibration and get rid of tough fat faster and easily with precision.

The time taken for completion of surgery depends upon the extent of fat removal. To know more about Liposuction Surgery Cost in Delhi schedule an appointment with Dr. Mrinalini Sharma. The cost of surgery depends on the amount of fat removed, areas targeted, and type of liposuction technique performed.


Soon after the liposuction surgery is complete, the patient is shifted to a recovery room until general anesthesia wears off and their condition is stable. Depending upon the size of the treatment area, the length of recovery time varies. The patient must avoid strenuous exercises for up to 4 weeks. About two weeks may be needed for a full recovery.

Other plastic surgeries like rhinoplasty, breast lift, breast augmentation, dimple creation surgery, chin implants, thigh lift, and tummy tuck are also performed in Delhi at Aestiva Clinic by Dr. Mrinalini Sharma. For more information schedule an appointment today!



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  2. Kalosa Aesthetics is the best clinic for liposuction treatment in Delhi and get an hourglass figure with the help of expert surgeon in Delhi at affordable cost.


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